S3 | Strumming Secrets Series | Workshop | Level 3
In this session, we will add an extra twist to the strumming pattern we learned in the past. Also, since your skills are growing, we will once again ramp up the speed a little bit. It will be slightly more challenging but plenty of fun! The final result will be quite a complex rhythm pattern that you will be able to use with many popular tunes.
As usual, we will start easy, focusing on the basics. With every lesson, we will then add a new motion that eventually creates a full complex rhythm pattern.
Each exercise is broken down into simple memorable chunks and presented as a lesson, complete with a workshop exercise video.
Alongside this Strumming Secrets module, I will give you lots of tips on how to work on your rhythm and general musicianship. It will be fun!
By The End Of This Module, You Will Know
- The key elements in developing a great rhythm technique
- A very versatile strumming pattern that you can apply to a lot of songs
- How to practise and use the new rhythm pattern with different chord progressions
- What to pay attention to while working on a rhythm technique
- How to work on 'feeling' the rhythm
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